To A Sophisticate. To cause to become less natural, especially to make less naive and more worldly: Travel tends to. The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables, removing any numbers.

To do so, however, required a sophisticated, post-access, recognition process that could infer a target letter from a word. Today it is common as a measure of refinement—displaying good taste, wisdom and subtlety rather than crudeness, stupidity and vulgarity. 'Celie comes home to visit, looking different - sophisticate and attractive - wearing pants and 'Inexpensive areas to live are not, as some sophisticates on the coast suppose, attractive only to. Translation for 'to sophisticate' in the free English-Russian dictionary and many other Russian translations.
Weibel says the fog cannon needs to be part of a.
A sophisticated person is one who is well traveled, well read (good literature, poetry, non fiction), has eaten in some of the better restaurants, is familiar with fine food, gone to museums.
Sophistication has come to mean a few things, but its original definition was "to denature, or simplify". To cause to become less natural, especially to make less naive and more worldly: Travel tends to. For one to be sophisticated one must always refer to one as one individual who is capable of comprehending and translating different intellectual knowledge and terminology.
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